Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Institute of Geography and Regional Development

Faculty of Earth Sciences and Environmental Management
Prezentacja graficzna

Institute of Geography

and Regional Development


pl. Uniwersytecki 1,

50-137 Wrocław


tel. +48 71 375 22 44

fax. +48 71 343 51 84



Studies - Tourism and Hospitality

Please, fill in the student survey and help us improve the quality of teaching!


TIMETABLES (summer term of academic year 2023/24)

1st year - Tourism and Hospitality (update - 14-02-2024)

2nd year - Tourism and Hospitality (update - 14-02-2024)



Update of Master Thesis Registration Procedure & Editorial Remarks.






Update of deadlines for Master Thesis registering and graduation procedure.




Regulations of the Organisation of Physical Education Classes and Credits at the University of Wrocław



Tourism & Hospitality Blog

Top Polish National Parks To Get Acquainted With The Country’s Rich Biodiversity


August 1, 2022 by Amit Chandra


Tourism & Hospitality Blog